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Conjugación completa di

á     é     è     ì     í     ò

ó     ù     ú     ü     ñ     ç
Italian versionIt

English versionEn
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Palabras encontradas:
versar = treat ... INFINITIVO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Detalles abajo)
Conjugación de: , versé, versado
intransitivo - attiva
Yo verso
Tu versas
El/Ella/Eso versa
Nosotros versamos
Vosotros versáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versan
I treat
You treat
He/She/It treats
We treat
You treat
They treat
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo versaba
Tu versabas
El/Ella/Eso versaba
Nosotros versabamos
Vosotros versabais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versaban
I was treating
You were treating
He/She/It was treating
We were treating
You were treating
They were treating
Pretérito perfecto
Yo versé
Tu versaste
El/Ella/Eso versó
Nosotros versamos
Vosotros versasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versaron
I treated
You treated
He/She/It treated
We treated
You treated
They treated
Pretérito perfecto
Yo he versado
Tu has versado
El/Ella/Eso ha versado
Nosotros hemos versado
Vosotros habéis versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han versado
I have treated
You have treated
He/She/It has treated
We have treated
You have treated
They have treated
Pretérito plusquamperfecto
Yo había versado
Tu habías versado
El/Ella/Eso había versado
Nosotros habíamos versado
Vosotros habíais versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían versado
I had treated
You had treated
He/She/It had treated
We had treated
You had treated
They had treated
Pretérito anterior
Yo hube versado
Tu hubiste versado
El/Ella/Eso hubo versado
Nosotros hubimos versado
Vosotros hubisteis versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron versado
I had treated
You had treated
He/She/It had treated
We had treated
You had treated
They had treated
Futuro imperfecto
Yo versaré
Tu versaras
El/Ella/Eso versará
Nosotros versaremos
Vosotros versareis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versarán
I will treat
You will treat
He/She/It will treat
We will treat
You will treat
They will treat
Futuro anterior
Yo habré versado
Tu habrás versado
El/Ella/Eso habrá versado
Nosotros habremos versado
Vosotros habréis versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán versado
I will have treated
You will have treated
He/She/It will have treated
We will have treated
You will have treated
They will have treated
Yo verse
Tu verses
El/Ella/Eso verse
Nosotros versemos
Vosotros verséis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versen
I (that )may treat
You (that )may treat
He/She/It (that )may treat
We (that )may treat
You (that )may treat
They (that )may treat
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo versara
Tu versaras
El/Ella/Eso versara
Nosotros versáramos
Vosotros versarais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versaran
I (that )might treat
You (that )might treat
He/She/It (that )might treat
We (that )might treat
You (that )might treat
They (that )might treat
Pretérito perfecto
Yo haya versado
Tu hayas versado
El/Ella/Eso haya versado
Nosotros hayamos versado
Vosotros hayáis versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan versado
I (whether) treated
You (whether) treated
He/She/It (whether) treated
We (whether) treated
You (whether) treated
They (whether) treated
Yo hubiera versado
Tu hubieras versado
El/Ella/Eso hubiera versado
Nosotros hubiéramos versado
Vosotros hubierais versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran versado
I (whether) had treated
You (whether) had treated
He/She/It (whether) had treated
We (whether) had treated
You (whether) had treated
They (whether) had treated
Yo versaría
Tu versarías
El/Ella/Eso versaría
Nosotros versaríamos
Vosotros versaríais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versarían
I would treat
You would treat
He/She/It would treat
We would treat
You would treat
They would treat
Yo habría versado
Tu habrías versado
El/Ella/Eso habría versado
Nosotros habríamos versado
Vosotros habríais versado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían versado
I would have treated
You would have treated
He/She/It would have treated
We would have treated
You would have treated
They would have treated
Yo -
Tu versa
El/Ella/Eso verse
Nosotros versemos
Vosotros versad
Ellos/Ellas/Esos versen
let me treat
let him treat
let us treat
let them treat
que versa
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito perfecto
haber versado
have treated
Pretérito perfecto
habiendo versado
having treated

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